
86 träffar på the history press ltd

The Press Clause and Digital Technology's Fourth Wave

The Press Clause and Digital Technology's Fourth Wave | 1:a upplagan

Av Jared Schroeder

Pris fr. 488 kr

Does technology drive history? - the dilemma of technological determinism

Does technology drive history? - the dilemma of technological determinism | 1994

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 646 kr

Journey of the magi - meanings in history of a christian story

Journey of the magi - meanings in history of a christian story | 2016

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 13442 kr

Newspapers, War and Society in the 20th Century

Newspapers, War and Society in the 20th Century | 1:a upplagan

Av Siân Nicholas m fl

Pris fr. 488 kr

Philosophy of Mind in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance

Philosophy of Mind in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance | 1:a upplagan

Av Stephan Schmidt

Pris fr. 402 kr

After the War

After the War | 1:a upplagan

Av David B. Sachsman

Pris fr. 488 kr

The Discourse of Repatriation in Britain, 1845-2016

The Discourse of Repatriation in Britain, 1845-2016 | 1:a upplagan

Av Daniel Renshaw


Labour Rights and the Catholic Church

Labour Rights and the Catholic Church | 1:a upplagan

Av Paul Beckett

Pris fr. 1495 kr

Rhodes Besieged: A New History

Rhodes Besieged: A New History | 2011

Av Robert Douglas Smith


Discovering the smallest churches in scotland

Discovering the smallest churches in scotland | 2010

Av John Kinross

Pris fr. 13428 kr

The Archaeology of Disease

The Archaeology of Disease | 2010

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 246 kr

Forgotten front - the east african campaign 1914-1918

Forgotten front - the east african campaign 1914-1918 | 2014

Av Ross Anderson

Pris fr. 204 kr


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